I have been working on a Brexit project, which is equally fascinating and frustrating. It is a subject which divides people in this country like no other subject I have encountered.
One of the many strands in this complex topic is the Remainer sentiment, 'name one good thing which can come of Brexit?'
I have found one. This advert from JWT for HSBC UK:
What makes this so good, IMHO, is its very British tone to accompany its global message. To the strains of Elgar's Nimrod (for Brexiteers) the ad, fronted by the excellent Richard Ayoade (for Remainers), is saying that you can be a British and a global citizen.
It is funny (Python-esque humour), self-deprecating, very visual and full of lovely touches.
My only slight quibble is that it is very 'southern middle class'. How will it play to non-middle class audiences in, for example, Sunderland?
I aim to find out ...