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    Gary Burt

    How much thinking was there about how the bus experience could be improved? Admittedly changing thousands of buses would take time and money, but was there any recognition in the research that for a number of people, the bus environment today is simply not enjoyable. Rather than look to why buses don't work, we should be looking at why other systems such as European trams, Eurostar and Japanese trains do work. Was there any investigation of the conflict between the objectives of a private operator (maximum revenue, usually through maximum seats = reduced personal space), vs the personal objectives (lower price, greater personal space, faster end to end journeys)?


    Thanks for your thoughtful comments, Gary. our focus was on buses because the research was done for CPT, the org which represents UK bus operators. But there were quite a few points emerging about what would make the bus experience better for people (eg more efficient, more enjoyable) and some of these improvements were beyond the remit of the operators alone. So yes, there is some discepancy between what a private operator wants and what passengers want, but there is more in common than you might imagine - basically it is in everyone's interests if there is a better bus service in the UK, local communities, employers and tranpsort providers themselves.

    Vivek vasudevan

    Cant agree more,transport choices are habitual and using car is a hard habit to break

    will take lot of work to get out of it

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